AS Design creates a wide variety of collateral materials for the participants of the Motion Picture Industry Pension & Health Plans.
AS Design creates a wide variety of collateral materials for the participants of the Motion Picture Industry Pension & Health Plans.
Sharon Barcarse provides over 30 years of experience in the graphic design industry, including branding, publications, advertising, marketing collateral, and online design. She spent 13 years in publication and advertising; both as an art director and later as a creative director overseeing more than 50 annual publications.
In 2003, Sharon started AS Design, based in Santa Monica, CA. Clients have included Guidant Corporation, Abbot Laboratories, Clay Lacy Aviation, Motion Picture Industry Pension & Health Plans, Pacific Federal Insurance, Mission Community Hospital, San Fernando Community Health Center, Los Angeles Better Buildings Challenge, Valley Industry & Commerce Association, and Los Angeles Valley College.
In her free time, Sharon and her husband like to discover new restaurants and post far too many food and wine photos on Instagram.